It looks like Cursor doesn’t look above the current workspace for a git repository (something that VS Code does for its other features), when it comes to the AI Review feature, as well as presumably the Git indexing feature. In a big monorepo, it’s common to open just a subfolder of the repo (e.g. frontend). So this would be a very useful addition - currently, it could even be considered a bug.
same issue: [Review] can't recognize git repository when open in subDirectory · Issue #1864 · getcursor/cursor · GitHub
I had to open another window to use the the AI review feature, so bad
for me, at remote workspace, thie feature doesn’t work at all
I ran into this issue and found the solution. The error occurs when your workspace root directory in Cursor doesn’t match where your .git directory is located.
└── project_folder/ ← .git is here
└── .git/
When opening your project in Cursor, make sure to open the directory that contains the .git folder as your workspace root. In other words:
Close Cursor
Reopen Cursor
Select the directory that contains your .git folder as the workspace root
Please fix this, ai review is useless for monoropo project to open single sub repo now
@truell20 @shaoruu @ericzakariasson @danperks @ericzakariasson