Diff viewer doesn't work in 0.41.2

Since the latest update (0.41.2), whenever I use composer to change something in the file, the diff viewer doesn’t work.

When I say the diff viewer, I mean the green and red text in the file where I could accept or reject individual changes:

I loved that feature, since it gave a great overview of what was actually changed. Screenshot is from 0.40.4 where it worked properly.

In the latest version, I can still click “Apply all”, but I can’t see directly in the file what changes will be applied. Makes Composer kind of unusable.

I’ve downgraded for now (https://dl.todesktop.com/230313mzl4w4u92/versions/0.40.4/mac/dmg/arm64), but I hope you can get it fixed since I love the composer being in the window pane.

Hi @holgersindbaek

There’s a diff view in Composer, as shown in the screenshot.

I understand. It doesn’t make for a natural work flow though. If this is a feature and not a bug, having it as an option would be much appreciated!

Its working in Composer for me. I used it today.

I also got it to show me the diffs once, but then it went back to not showing them. Not sure why.

I face this issue and it isn’t working on the composer view either.

Exact same issue here. I upgraded to 0.43.2 and there is no diff view at all in the file editor.

I consider this a CRITICAL bug.

Serves me right for updating so often :frowning: Once this gets fixed, im only updating once a year.

UPDATE: Diffing in the editor came back. Im not sure how it broke or how it fixed, but I suspect it has something to do with markdown files. Composer was struggling making changes to my markdown README file.
In any case, it’s fixed!

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I am using 0.42.3 and clicking on “Revert Block” does nothing:

Still see this problem in 0.43.6. It’s intermittent, usually happens after a large change session. Exiting and restarting cursor will fix it.