Fast Requests Calculation Update

Hey all,

During the rollout of v0.46, and the coinciding release of Claude 3.7, a bug was introduced that caused failed fast requests to count towards your quota.

While many of the issues were regarding the high demand on the new Claude 3.7 model, the issue on our end was that these requests would still be counted against your usage.

We have already rectified this issue, so errored requests do not count against your monthly allowance, and we have also backdated this, so any falsely counted requests have been removed from your account - this accounted for >1 million requests being undone!

We apologize for this! Feel free to post any questions or concerns below, or for specific queries to your account, drop us an email at and we’ll be happy to help.


Hey. How will we know if miscalculated requests have been undone?


Thanks, appreciate that. This should be a pinned thread :slight_smile: as many created separate threads in last few days.

Oh i do have to edit this reply.

  • Sadly there is no change of requests count but im sure that many tool calls failed as well as requests over last 3-4 days.

Has this change rolled out to all accounts?

All my fast requests are still finished after trying Claude 3.7 thinking a couple days ago (February 26)

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Dear Eric, could someone please have at critical bug reports in the Forum?

This is clearly an Cursror internal bug in the IDE code and i have confirmed the details. It makes Cursor completely unusable for the whole team, unrelated to model selection or prompts.

You can look at your overall usage on the website and if it is lower then it was then that confirms the have been credited back.

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We had no change at all.

Update: while there was no difference earlier, there seems to be either a new issue or some improvement, depends how you see it.

Obviosly 1st of March rolled in, so the monthly usage doesnt show February statements.
Unfortunately im also unable to go back a month to see Feb usage based charges, it jumps to Jan 2025, and any jump forward stays on Jan 2025.

So either Cursor is going to chage us Feb usage based charges in full, or not at all, will have to see when or if it gets deducted from the CC.

For us this is not about the charged amount but about Cursor stopping being usable as business tool.

We did see that the first usage of GPT-4.5 was listed as included in Pro, perhaps one free use to try? (the list based pricing is 2 USD/request, just to be clear)

in any case it would really help to have things clearer and stable.

@ericzakariasson Any feedback?

Some of us don’t have the billing set to the 1st so we’re stuck using slow requests till it resets

this is a bug ? i chosen model 3.5 sonnet and it answer it is model developed by openAi. output is same as gpt4o.

@ericzakariasson Where can we see the number of returned requests for our accounts?

To me it seems I am burning through fast requests a lot faster than before 0.46. Would there be a reason for that?

Hi Eric,
I feel just now this happened with me, I go two failed request, I resumed it and instead of 1 hit it is showing me 2 hits. Can you check this?

@danperks @deanrie
Can we get some sort of statement from the Cursor team?

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Still no reply from the Cursor team
Not on here or the email I sent

Looks like I’m taking my money over to surfing editor (they blocked the actual name, surprise surprise) because this is unacceptable

I still have 6 days before my fast requests reset and my prediction is that I will get a reply from Cursor the day before along the lines of “Sorry you account seems to have been missed, but hey look on the bright side, your requests reset tomorrow so no harm done”

why did this payment of $ 11.88 come out now I paid close attention this time, usage-based payment is definitely closed ? this is a nonsense !!! waiting for an explanation !!!

ok we were definitely charged in full, no update for bad/cancelled/broken requests.

Hey all, I believe this change has already rolled out, but I will confirm with the team if this has taken effect already.

The Cursor team can’t even be bothered to reach out to the few people on this thread having issues so I have no faith in this team moving forward

Even going as far as to unlist the thread so more people can’t see the shady practices they got going on

Hey, we have a system that tries to unlist anything that may not be fit for the forums automatically, for when the team may be inactive or asleep. It grabbed this as one to hide, but shouldn’t have done so!

@ericzakariasson Where can we see the number of returned requests for our accounts?

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Did this really change? When retry happens, the credit is still being used