Folder Drag And Drop Dock Icon Support

In the meantime this feature is implemented, here’s a workaround I came up with. It’s simple to set up and it works for me. Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the cursor command enabled, allowing you to launch the program from the terminal. This thread talks about how to do it.

  2. Open the Script Editor application and create a new script.

  3. Paste the following code:

on open droppedItems

 repeat with itemPath in droppedItems

  set folderPath to POSIX path of itemPath

  do shell script "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin; cursor " & quoted form of folderPath

 end repeat

end open
  1. Go to File → Export. Choose Application as the format and save it in the Applications folder with the name “Cursor Launcher” (or any name you prefer).

  2. Now, you can drag the icon from the Applications folder to the Dock. I’ve placed it right next to the Cursor icon.

  3. That’s it! Dragging a folder to this new icon will open it in Cursor.


This script worked perfectly for me, but I’ve never worked with Mac’s Script Editor before. You might need to tweak the script depending on your macOS version or system configuration.

I hope this works as a temporary solution until Cursor implements this functionality. :slight_smile: