Free version vs paid version?

I have just finished my free verison of Cursor, and everthing worked just fine and fast. But now I see that a lot of paid version are really slow. Would it be a waste of money paying right now for a subscription, or should I wait and see if the speed gets better ?

I think it depends on your needs.

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They haven’t given us paying customers an ETA on when Cursor will be back to normal operating speeds. It is quite disappointing to hear that free users aren’t being forced into the slow pool but paying users are. The lack of clear answers from support the last few days on this issue is really upsetting. This will most likely be my last month with Cursor if they don’t update us soon.


Hey, unfortunately, the issues with Anthropic are out of our hands right now, but we are working to optimize things to be as fast as possible for our paying users.

OpenAI models should still be working at full capacity as normal, with much slower queues on the slow pool.

Free users only get a one-off allowance and are not contributing to this problem much. Free trials are also now being restricted further to stop users from abusing the trial over and over. We would love to have Claude 3.5 back to its prior speed and queue time, but for reasons beyond our control, we aren’t able to do so.

EDIT: To be clear, free users do not get any fast requests.