Getcursor/cursor issues are not available — where to find an archived version?

Hey there folks!

I was looking into accessing cursor through web.

Found this topic on forum:

There @jqsed mentioned an issue

Which is not available on Github in Cursor repo. Actually, there’s not Issues tab in the repo — so I assume you closed it in favor of Forum.

It’s okay, but how could I access “archived” version of Issues? I looked through the forum and it looks like it doesn’t have those.

It might be that I was not super diligent in looking — so if anyone could point where I could find them, would be awesome.

Why it’s important IMO to provide archived version to any closed infromation on Github:
Issues most likely stored tone of useful information and closing them without providing any access to that info is not “backward compatible” and prevents access to knowledge and old discussions which often for me provides insights and tips how to fix some problem, or what troubles people had.

From another side, I understand that it might be way to hard to track Issues on Github — after all, forum has much more rich features.

So no blame, great lesson for everyone I think that there might be people who use old Issues :smile:

Would really love to have help from the cursor team

Hi, sorry for the sudden disappearance of the issues! We didn’t want to delete all the information there, just direct people to the forum.

As you said, we’d ideally like them to serve as references in an archived form (either on GitHub or here on the forum).

We’ll send an update in the morning.