Getting the error: [composer] No loaded composer found

I get the error “[composer] No loaded composer found” when I do Cmd+L

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Hey, which version of Cursor are you currently using?

I’m on Version: 0.43.5

Did this issue start after updating to this version?

After updating, most of the times it opens the side panel with chat but sometimes it doesn’t with this error. Also if I keep pressing cmd+L for 3 times after getting an error for 2, the 3rd the time the side panel will show up.

Try opening the history using the shortcut CMD + ALT + L and checking if there’s any inaccessible history of your Composer. Try deleting it, this might help.

I see. Also, I usually try to keep the history clean, so I delete composer and chat histories regularly. Is that causing the problem?

I don’t think this could be causing the issue, maybe it’s a bug.

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Def am facing this issue myself.

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I have the same issue in version 0.43.6 every time when I use a new chat/composer (or CTRL+N).

I’m also getting the same issue which arose with the latest update. This is intermittent it seems. My history is quite clean also i.e. less than 7 chats in composer history.

I get the error when:

  • Using Cmd-L
  • Using Cmd-I
  • Using Cmd-N

As @aryan2090, repeatedly pressing the above will open up the requested panel correctly. When I do manually navigate to click the history, I can see that new instances got opened even though I was not moved to them automatically like usual (before the update).

Cursor install deets:

  • Version: 0.43.6
  • VSCode Version: 1.93.1
  • Commit: a846435528b4b760494a836f96f0739889253530
  • Date: 2024-12-06T05:11:55.168Z (6 days ago)
  • Electron: 30.5.1
  • Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
  • Node.js: 20.16.0
  • V8:
  • OS: Darwin arm64 24.1.0

Please fix :pray:t5:

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I’m running into the same problem, and in my case it started happening after I cancelled a response. That one composer is stuck: if I send any more requests, nothing happens (it gets stuck on “Generating” or “Applying”) and I can’t delete it, either.

This annoying issue still happens with version 0.44.8


Version: 0.44.8
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: f3b5a63019e4e2283033b4db987a35f8413c7570
Date: 2024-12-22T05:48:08.427Z (1 day ago)
Electron: 30.5.1
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.16.0
OS: Linux x64 6.12.6-arch1-1

Still happening to me too