Hey, Where's My Composer Window (popup)?

I recently updated to v0.43.4, and… nothing happened when I tried to open the composer window. I love the composer window popup. I don’t like when it’s on the sidebar, or separated editor area :frowning_face:

Could you guys please bring it back? At least put more details on the release note.


100% agree with you, this latest update has a lot of wonky decisions and makes me worry about the longer term direction of this project.


Same. I really enjoyed the full screen composer window over the new UI. Now it feels entirely unusable. I tried to downgrade but it keeps upgrading automatically. Frustrating.

could you elaborate on fullscreen? how would you like to use it ideally?

he probably talks about how it looked like when CTRL+Shift+I

prefer it much over the current aswell

cant we just have the option to decide which one we want to use?

its a pain comparing code changes right now

(when bored i loved watching it code in real time too ^^)

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Eric, are you an AI Bot? It’s like you’re auto-responding to random replies, then asking an obvious question


hey, one of the devs here! The composer control panel in Cmd-Shift-I was experimental and we were learning how people use composer best. The best part about it was being able to review things quickly, and we partially allow you to do that inside the composer window itself, and in future updates we will make it easier to review things even more.

If you really liked the control panel mode because it was full-screen, I recommend popping composer into an editor and making that full-screen!

Do you think there is a usecase that is not covered in the above?

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hi Sualeh,

popping it out and maximizing is not what people are asking i guess, since the old version lets you see your convo on one side, while having your notepads/composers on the other and seeing changes nicely in Diff view in the middle (should we chose to)

And enough folks in the forums are posting about it that its probably warranted atleast giving us the option if we want the new or old design

Would it be a terrible idea to make it an option?

Is there a Tweet or blogpost somewhere about the why and how those changes occured?

Guess the next question many folks would be asking is

what happened to Long context?

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i’m not haha, just trying to understand the use case and how we can improve!

the previous composer with the diff view and detached from the main editor has a better UX


I’m so sad, the composer view they took away so was good I wanted it for chat and review as well…


Just having it as a separate window was only half the value, the layout was awesome. Moving it to an editor, and popping the editor out is a degraded experience from what you currently have, and a much degraded experience from what you were “testing” without telling anyone it was a test.


This latest update feels very rushed. It’s not at the same level as before, so. many. bugs. And useful features were removed? Maybe it would be a good idea with a BETA channel. Cursor could collect feedback from the editor, add a button to report bugs, use LLM to aggregate the feedback and reports to know what to take action on. I am worried now and looking for a replacement…


please bring CMD + SHIFT + I BACK!


I like the composer can be detached but I miss the notebook and previous control panel opening and presenting previous chats much better. Is there any other way to acccess the notebook in composer control panel?

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Bring it back, pls!!!

Adding myself to the choir. It’s such a bummer because the composer view was the reason I decided to go pro, it was such a convenient way of coding with the agent and the ux was great, this is just a downgrade :frowning:

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