How can I change default Chat mode as Ask, not Agent

As the title, I want use Ask mode as default in Chat Tab, how to change it?


Hey, currently, when a new session is created, agent mode is enabled by default. I’ll pass this on to our developers to implement saving the selected mode.


+1, this has added a lot of friction to those of us that don’t want to use Agent mode - We now have to click that mode button every single time we open a chat

As an interim workaround, if you use (mac) keyboard shortcuts, Cmd-L opens Ask mode and Cmd-I opens Agent mode.

But it’s now very cumbersome to create a new chat in Ask mode even with keyboard shortcuts:
Cmd-L - Open sidebar in Ask mode
Cmd-N - Open a new chat in Agent mode, as 0.46 now re-opens the previous chat on hiding, whereas previously it used to create a new chat
Cmd-L (again) - Switch to Ask mode


+1, thanks!

+1 too, thanks

+1, thanks!

+1, thanks

+1 as well

+1 as well. I’d prefer edit over agent or ask, but even ask is way better than agent as a default start IMO. Ideally I’d prefer having a setting to set the default mode.

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+1 Also in general you should pass on that whenever you change a default it should be configurable. I find the agent to be quite a bit worse for my use cases, and it’s totally annoying to have it as the default.

+1. This really needs to be configurable.

+1 for me too

+1. This must to be configurable, 100%