I installed v0.45 from the website, but I can’t seem to prevent it from auto-upgrading. Either that or the file on the downloads page under v0.45 is not really v0.45.
V0.46 is not intuitive, difficult to use, and I can’t seem to make it select the whole codebase anymore. It created a file in the wrong place in my codebase, and the @codebase selector doesn’t work anymore. I don’t really know how to make it create files in the correct place, whereas previously it just worked fine with v0.45. It seems pretty unusable as-is. Completely disruptive to existing workflows.
In settings search for ‘updat’ and put the cursor updates to none. At least works for now in version 0.45.17. It’s a new option, previously you only had three options there, including manual, which someone said, doesn’t prevent the updates. So choose none (credit to deanrie in another thread).
It might still suggest to update a few times (the bottom left pop up). But just click X to close it. For me those pop ups haven’t showed up anymore after restarting many times.