Please stop auto updating versions

0.45 performs significantly better than 0.46. Please stop auto upgrading us :frowning:


I agree, the versions after 0.45 are significantly less efficient and even buggy. I had to go back to 0.45 several times, wasting time :rage: that will end up canceling out the benefit of cursor, which is an excellent editor :grinning_face:


I agree about the auto upgrade concern, it’s ok to suggest upgrading to new versions often but auto updating should NOT be enabled by default.

Sometimes there is no time for adapting to a new version and keeping a well known interface or stable version is a priority for developers under tight timelines


I have had success disabling auto updates by going into the VSCode Settings > Application > Update and turning mode to manual.

Save the settings and restart cursor.
Do this after you removed the latest version and just installed the .45 version.

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