How to debug a VS Code extension using CursorAI

When I debug a VS Code extension using CurosrAI IDE, the commands defined in my package.json are not shown in the new CursorAI Instance, and I get this in the DEBUG CONSOLE:

activating cursor retrieval extension isDev: false

I tried using vanilla VS Code to debug the exact same extension and it works just fine, but it doesn’t seem to work on CurosrAI.

In VSCode:
The default Hello World command appears.

In CursorAI:
There’s no Hello World command (No matching commands).

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I have had the same issue.
Check out what vscode version cursor is using from the about menu
mine uses 1.93.1 while the hello world example auto-generated defaulted to 1.96.0
The solution was to downgrade the following in package.json and npm install again

  "engines": {
    "vscode": "^1.93.0"
"devDependencies": {
    "@types/vscode": "^1.93.0",


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