How to disable audio sounds?

Every time the terminal gets an error code from a command, Cursor plays a sound. How do I disable this?

It’s really quite annoying because I don’t want to mute my entire computer because I care about other sounds such as a notification. Otherwise, I’m loving Cursor!

i think that is a vscode specific feature. you can dissable that in the settings.

Dang, that did it. I’m not sure why my actual VS Code instance has never made sounds, only this Cursor version of VS Code. But in any case, that was the tip I needed and I’ve disabled them.

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Can you share what setting you disabled? Searches in VS Code settings in macOS have revealed nothing…

Much appreciated!

Ctrl/Cmd + P → Type “>Sound” → Click on “List Signal Sounds” → Uncheck all → OK

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i have to close it one by one, does anyone know how to enable/disable them in a convinient way?

This fixed it! I was using Cursor with no sounds since I installed it, but since the last update the sounds have been activated by default for no reason, you saved me mate! Thanks

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Glad I could help!