Working on one file, making changes with Cursor. But I make changes to file between questions it does not know about them. So my changes get overwritten and it’s total mess.
And file is attached as “context” to conversation. but that attachment seems to indicate only that it have read it in the beginning of the chat, and since then Cursor has its own idea how the file looks like based on sum of all the changes in conversation.
And if I click on “codebase” button it doesn’t do anything. as well as removing and re-adding file to conversation.
There’s no command to reload.
The solution that I found is crazy but I don’t know anymore how to deal with this: switch to some GPT with limited budget. make couple of questions and receive “upgrade required”, and then switch back to Claude. Then it will reload.
And even reload not guarantee that it will reload.
Is this normal, everyone dealing with this? Different languages, very different projects. same issue.
It’s like babysitting a graduate developer all over again.
Are there any tricks? because sometimes it work pretty good, especially in the beginnings of sessions. Then it seem to behave progressively worse. And no restart or reload helps. Should i use it only for an hour and then uninstall and reinstall?
And my project is just one file!!!