December 4, 2023, 10:43pm
in business subscription, when using gpt4-turbo api, cursor cannnot do ide.edit.
It occured errors.
December 9, 2023, 3:02am
The same error is reported here. Please fix the bug.
opened 08:36AM - 08 Dec 23 UTC
1) If you can, please include a screenshot of your problem
- I've set my O… penAI API key successfully. I can ask questions, and it does answer.
- But it refused to work when I asked it to edit files.
API key not supported.
The /edit feature uses non-public models and cannot be accessed by API key.
Curious: since when only paying users can use `/edit` feature?
Is there any subscription plan for Cursor Editor that allows me to use my OpenAI API key and pay less for the subscription- only feature?
![螢幕快照 2023-12-08 16-23-14](https://github.com/getcursor/cursor/assets/51141/af02413b-0706-4382-acab-46b0722872a0)
![螢幕快照 2023-12-08 16-13-41](https://github.com/getcursor/cursor/assets/51141/f400575c-bd97-4b59-b728-bff30851b90c)
2) Please include the name of your operating system
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
3) If you can, steps to reproduce are super helpful
1. Set OpenAI API key into Cursor Editor
2. Open a code project
3. Ask something
4. Click "Apply to Current File"
5. It refuses to edit and says it does not support it.
December 9, 2023, 3:49pm
It’s intended because /edit uses non-public models and therefore can’t be used by your own OpenAI API Key. You have to use Cursor’s own GPT-4 requests for it.
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