Interpreter Mode is missing in 0.40

Interpreter Mode is missing from the chat mode selection pull-down.
This is a very useful feature, so please don’t lose it.

CleanShot 2024-08-25 at 11.28.21


It seems to have been purposely removed, as some functionality had beeb moved to Composer (my assumption).

It would be cool if Composer was able to run terminal commands. Currently (and it’s a wonderful addition) in Chat we can run the suggested commands.

If Composer could do the same (possibly with optional user approval), it could become more powerful.

For example, Claude Dev can run terminal commands (I think it requires user approval for each command).


why???Interpreter Mode No Longer Reliable???
I love interpreter mode!!!!


What is this? They just removed it??? The only feature that really was new?

it was removed a few versions ago, not mentioned in the changelog - I raised a post on it and no response from the team with an explanation.

Composer is not a replacement - its a different feature.

Unless, there long term plan is to have interpreter built into Composer. But then it should be part of Chat as well - the ability to run read and write to a terminal.

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