Is Cursor Tab available only for Pro subscribers?

I’ve been using Cursor for a few months with Github copilot.
I wanted to try Cursor Tab but I see on the bottom right "Requires Pro (Custom Model).

Basic question but I couldn’t figure it out on the site or forum.
Is there any free allowance usage to try it out or is Cursor Tab only for pro subscribers?


I see that I haven’t used my allowance.
Is Cursor Tab tapping on that allowance or is it something different?

Hi @titocosta ,

Cursor Tab is our native autocomplete feature. It’s a more powerful Copilot that suggests entire diffs with especially good memory.

Powered by a custom model, Cursor Tab can:

  • Suggest edits around your cursor, not just insertions of additional code.

  • Modify multiple lines at once.

  • Make suggestions based on your recent changes and linter errors.

Free users receive 2000 suggestions at no cost. Pro and Business plans recieve unlimited suggestions.

Also see

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Thanks. What do I need to do to turn it on?

I don’t see any suggestion as I code, not sure if it’s due to the service being down or if I need to pick a different model for Cursor Tab.

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I just completed the 2-week pro trial in the Hobby plan. Now the Cursor Tab feature is completely locked out and the status bar says “Requires Pro (custom model)”. But the doc says “Free users receive 2000 suggestions at no cost.” Is the 2000 Cursor Tab completion allowance in the Hobby plan per month?

How do I turn Cursor Tab back on in my Hobby plan so I can use the rest of my 2000 free completions this month?

Or, the Hobby plan is really just a 2-week free Pro trial with Cursor Tab and then no more monthly Cursor Tab completions unless you upgrade to Pro?


As far as I know, you get 2,000 completions only once. After that, you need to upgrade to the PRO plan to continue using it and access other great features of Cursor.

@deanrie are you an employee of Cursor AI? Is this the official response from the company?

Yes, I am an employee, and you can consider this an official response. Did you receive such a message?

hi Deanrie,
I would like to reconfirm whether after the trial period, I must upgrade to the Pro version in order to use the Tab key code autocompletion feature. Also, if I use the OpenAI or Claude API, I won’t be able to use the code autocompletion functionality. Is this correct? Thank you!

Yes, that’s correct, Cursor Tab works only with a PRO subscription.

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Thanks a lot. It is clear now.

@deanrie Thanks for the clarification. I was confused by the pricing page and the Cursor Tab doc page shown above. If someone could update the pricing page to list Cursor Tab explicitly as a Pro feature, that would surely help.

After the trial, I found Cursor Tab to be a very impressive and productive feature which for me is worth considering the upgrade to Pro. But I am also a very low volume hobby user, so I would be interested in a Basic plan that includes Cursor Tab with usage limits priced somewhere in the $5-10/mo range. Just some thoughts for the product management folks.


Thank you for clarifying. I either did not get the pop up, or I might have dismissed it without reading while engrossed in coding (silly explanation but not unlikely tbh).

Feedback: It should be mentioned explicitly on Settings | Cursor - The AI-first Code Editor and/or the Docs or Pricing page that the 2000 completions on Hobby plan, unlike the model inference requests, does not renew monthly and does not work with external service API keys.

I think it’s a point of confusion to many users, as I found several posts that ask about the same thing.

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Thanks, yeah, this needs to be dealt with so users don’t get confused.