Free Tier - are free completions and premium requests refilled every month?

not clear for me what Free tier includes; the 2000 completions + 50 slow premium requests + 200 cursor-small uses are for a month (refilled in every month) or one time (if any of list depletes then free options is over)
please clarify
thank you

Did you find an answer to this?


If you’re subscribed to Pro you can click on Manage Subscription from the Dashboard and your plan renewal date will be displayed at the top.

If you’re a free user you can check when you got the first email from us in your inbox. Your usage will reset every month from that date.

Great, thanks for confirming!

thanks but that is not an answer for my question

on the screenshot near Free tier there is no ‘/ Month’ so it is very misleading for me
without ‘/ Month’ it actually shows that there is no monthly refill

on the /settings page it is even more misleading
for Premium models it says:
You’ve used X requests out of your 50 fast requests quota.

gpt-4o-mini or cursor-small
You’ve used X requests out of your 200 monthly fast requests quota.

so it seems that gpt-4o-mini or cursor-small models’ requests refills monthly but the premium requests are not