Hey there i have a question that my 500 premium model requests are going to end soon so there would be any free requests after some time period (like 1 month) or these requests are given once also my free trial is going to end soon so there will be another free trial too after a time period??
Hi @BasitAbbas ,
For your reference:
When will my usage reset again?
If you’re subscribed to Pro you can click on
Manage Subscription
from the Dashboard and your plan renewal date will be displayed at the top.If you’re a free user you can check when you got the first email from us in your inbox. Your usage will reset every month from that date.
- 14 days Pro trial
- 50 slow
model uses- 200
uses- 2000 completions uses
Do I get Hobby subscription every month?
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The wording suggests its a onetime thing and not monthly