What Happens After Using My 200 Free Queries?

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well! I’ve recently started exploring the Cursor code editor and I’m really impressed with its features, especially the AI functionalities. However, I have a question regarding the free queries.

If I use up all 200 of my free queries within the month, will I still be able to access the AI features, or will I have to wait until the next month to continue using them? I want to make sure I understand how the limits work so I can plan my usage accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your help!


You are given 200 free credits for the month. If you use them all, you will need to wait until the next month to start using them again.


For reference:

When will my usage reset again?

If you’re subscribed to Pro you can click on Manage Subscription from the Dashboard and your plan renewal date will be displayed at the top.

If you’re a free user you can check when you got the first email from us in your inbox. Your usage will reset every month from that date.



  • 14 days Pro trial
  • 50 slow premium model uses
  • 200 cursor-small uses
  • 2000 completions uses


In regard to what happens to the other items if you use up the quota for one of the items, i’’m not sure…I assume you just keep using each item until the quota is up for each.

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Did i understand it in this scenario?

Subbed as free user on 1st september, got 500 free premium model uses, 13 days later you used up 250 Premium model uses, you upgrade and pay.

You get to use the remaining 250 and it resets on 1. of august?

or will those 500 be added to the remaining trial, but still reset on 1st of August (aka 1 month after initial use) so whats not used will be lost?

Asking cause about to purchase and wonder if i should or should not reset

Hi @Eddy ,

Subbed as free user on 1st september, got 500 free premium model uses, 13 days later you used up 250 Premium model uses, you upgrade and pay.

You get to use the remaining 250 and it resets on 1. of august?

Do you mean October 1st rather than August 1st?

My understanding is that if you are a free user and you upgrade to Pro, your Pro subscription will start immediately (and you will no longer have your Free subscription allowances etc). Also, unused requests do not ‘rollover’ to the next subscription period and any manual changes you make to your Pro subscription quota (increase or decrease) take effect immediately. @rishabhy - can you please confirm or clarify?

Here are some related posts:

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Thank you for clarifying litecode ( more like Huge Code <3 )

meant August 1 or on my case i started 14 days ago, the free trial just ran out and the remaining 390 Premium uses have been removed ( fair enough, should have spent more time coding ^^ but didn’t want to be greedy )

The part that if i purchase pro 2x i get double the uses is documented i think and understood.

What is not used is rolled over to the next month ( even though its a bit sad ) too.

My issue was more like, that it says "billing cycle starts the month you subscribed as free user)

In my understanding if I upgrade to pro now that would mean i only have 2 months before my billing gets reset, i pay again ?

So should i make a new account and start the Pro subscription immediately, get my 500 Fast uses and be charged on the 9th of next month?

Oh another query, the TAB TAB TAB (which i like much more than from any of the other tools, its much better)
is a premium feature right?
We cant use it with providing Claude API key and using a small model of Claude for it?

What about the indexing, what model is handling that

Cursor Tab - yes, this is the premium feature. It will not work with API key.


Darn, thats the one i loved the most

neither github copilot nor Codium are good enough at that

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Yes it’s true.

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ill experiment now and see how the purchase affects it, will post next in 2 weeks to clarify