Premium model usage requests incorrect (not resetting month to month) in settings interface

Are the requests for the monthly quota not resetting when a new month starts? In my settings interface, its shows that I’ve used 376 requests out of your 500 monthly fast requests quota. However, in the recent usage events table below, there are only 157 entries, starting from September 1st. This usage seems correct, lines up with my actual usage for the month, starting 9/1.

However, for my monthly usage, I would think the number should also be 157, since that’s what’s shown in the table below. Where are the other 200+ usage events? It seems like the premium model usage requests shown in the UI are not resetting month to month. I would love clarification on this. Thanks!

Below is the pastebin with the 157 usage events shown in my settings dashboard

Hey @arfloyd

Please send an email to

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I agree - same with me. Will be sending an email

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any update here from cursor team?

My guess is the number of requests toward the monthly fast requests quota resets and counts based on the day of the month you subscribed and then renew at. I don’t think it’s based on calendar months. If you view the usage events since your last renewal, my guess is it will match. (Granted, knowing the exact moment the renewal happened could be as easy as looking at the timestamp on the original subscription email, or it could be a bit before or after that depending on if it’s based on that time, or when their server rolls over to the next day, or when the credit card goes through, etc.)

Yep - it was taking that exact date into account

Had a similar issue - received no resolution from cursor