Is there any way to bind aipreveiw to other key shortcut?

I hold the shift, but sometimes, the ai preview is not triggered. I think the reason is that my input language is Chinese. In Chinese IME, the shift is to toggle English and Chinese. So, I want to bind this feature to another key. But I can’t find it on keyboard shortcuts setting panel, so where can I find it, and config it?

some official worker know how to config it to another key?

In Chinese, the shift is used for change IME language, so it is not friendly for me, so I want to config it to another key, but I don’t find it in “shortcuts setting panel”

I hadn’t heard of this feature before, but just did quick search and came across this post which mentions that the preview only works on certain things:

Not sure if that resolves part of your query?

Good luck with trying to reassign the key binding.

thanks, but it doesn’t resolve my problem, sometimes, I hold shift, nothing triggered. so I want to bind the feature to another key, and take a try, but I can’t change the key shortcut.

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