[Major composer bug] Composer removes referenced files when switching editors

Just documenting my experience with the Reference Open Editors feature.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Ctrl + L chat, with no text in chat, type /
  2. Select the Reference Open Editors option
  3. No files seem to be added to the chat context

Screenshot - Part 01

Screenshot - Part 02

These observations are in addition to those made in your other topic:

System Information:

Version: 0.40.3
VSCode Version: 1.91.1
Commit: 2804893a83ef162ae6c48e8254717e25c7c7c510
Date: 2024-08-29T17:42:50.254Z
Electron: 29.4.0
ElectronBuildId: undefined
Chromium: 122.0.6261.156
Node.js: 20.9.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631