MCP Feature doesn't work

when i tried to add the puppeteer server, it just returned an error

Hey, check out this thread, there are solutions that might help:

i have restarted cusror 8 times and refreshed it and still it doesn’t , work can you guys please look into the issue

i get this error in dev tools

Try this solution:

Running on Mac, I tried some MCP Servers with curious results:

  • npx -y @modelcontextprotocol/server-filesystem ... No tools found :frowning:
  • env BRAVE_API_KEY=... npx -y @modelcontextprotocol/server-brave-search OK :slight_smile:
  • npx -y @modelcontextprotocol/server-sequential-thinking OK, but the server entry disappears after some refresh about a minute later :frowning:

Very strange. Of course, all MCP Servers are working with Claude Desktop and Cline…

On my windows, I tried npx -y @modelcontextprotocol/server-sequential-thinking and didn’t work.
Then I try node "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\@modelcontextprotocol\server-sequential-thinking\dist\index.js"
It shows green light then flashing a few times, and becomes red again.

I think it’s because of windows user running the command with Powershell.
In my test, the execution in Powershell directly seem to get into some issues.

But In the end, I’m able to run it directly with node like this


Hey, MCP support has had some significant improvements in V0.46. So I’d wait until you get that update and give things a try then!

in 4.6 I can’t seem to get MCP working no matter what I try