Message from someone who doesn’t know how to code

I am an entrepreneur that founded a $350MM vc-backed startup. I never coded in my life until started to use Cursor.

Gentle advice. Shift your focus away from developers. Your next million users are more likely to be individuals who can’t code but can articulate their needs in plain language.

Shape the future.

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Hopefully Cursor as a company has yet to be corrupted by venture capital.

From reading their blog they are truly interested in creating a useful tool and $$$ is a nice added bonus.

The only reason that cursor currently works so well is due to the company truly wanting to make something great, focusing on $$$ alone would never have led to a product like this.

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Despite the hype, none of the AI coding tools are truly “no code”. You need to have a Development background to know how to steer and debug the project.

These tools are great for prototyping but once the project becomes more complex, things fall apart. These issues are well documented in the forums.

Here is a 3 part article documenting my adventures if you would like an honest look at the state of affairs: Using Claude, Claude-Dev and Aider to Build a Ticketing System - DEV Community

Good luck to all!

Maybe an advice, but not so gentle. Do you really think that the ultimate goal in life is earning as much money as possible?