New Chat Window font inconsistency makes it very difficult to use

The new chat window looks cool, but unfortunately the current font size handling makes it very difficult to work with on my laptop.

My screen has around a 4K resolution, and so I zoom in on the editor in order to read and type things easier. The other text in the screen tends to be much smaller, I don’t mind as much if it’s not what I’m editing.

In the previous version of the chat window, the code this smallish font-size was fine, because I found myself wanting to scan through AI generated code quickly, and so I didn’t mind it at all.

However, the recent update has blown up the font size of the code in the quotes and the generated codeblocks, making it now quite difficult to work with.

Notice that this small simple piece of code is bulging at the edges of the code window, and the crazy difference between the font sizes of the plaint text and the code, making this unpleasant to read through, and slows down my ability to scan through what the AI has written for me as a whole.

I would like to request the option to either be able to tweak the font size myself, or the option to switch back to the legacy version of the chat window, because the window as it currently exists is making it much more difficult for me to work the way I used to.

Also, I just got a small glitch where CTRL+/ cycled between claude-opus and claude-haiku-200k, though I should only have claude-3.5-sonnet, claude-opus, and gpt-4o-mini active, I don’t know what’s up with that.

EDIT: Another example of overly large font, here in inline editing:

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