Optional usage-based pricing information

Just sharing in case anyone didn’t know this feature existed.

I just came across it myself now.

Go to https://www.cursor.com/settings to enable optional usage-based pricing.

The settings page includes pricing information and also links to:



It is all communicated quite well :+1:.

Screenshot below is of the relevant settings.

“all communicated quite well”
Yea, only after you paid.
Nothing of this all is mentioned on the pricing page.
I just paid $20 and found out about long context being basically not included, which I need for my project.

Ah, bugger.

Out of interest, is ‘long context chat’ advertised in that screenshot you sent through, or somewhere else?

I have only just started playing around with ‘long context’ chat, and I had to enable it in Cursor’s Beta settings area, so i’m not really sure what it refers to or how it works yet.

Sorry for my late response. But, no, it (still) isn’t advertised on the pricing page. Though in my head it makes a lot more sense to then at least mention the additional pricing at the option in the UI itself, or in the Docs?

About the /pricing-history page link… didn’t notice it before, also a bit hard to notice. I subscribed to Cursor before and don’t recall long context included extra costs. I do remember using it and with a single payment of $20. :sweat_smile: