Payment information for businesses

My company requires payment-related information before I can use the Cursor.
Please tell me about the following items.

  • Payment Destination
    • I guess it’s “”, but maybe it’s “Cursor”? Or is there a spelling error?
  • Billing timing
    • For example, will the usage fee for March be billed on April 15th?

On the dashboard you can click on “Manage Subscription” and look at the “Invoice History” to check your billing timing.

On the invoices, it says this:


So I would probably use that.

@Jakob Thank you for your reply.

Payment Destination

OK. It’s clear now.

Billing timing

I haven’t signed a contract yet.
Therefore, contract information cannot be checked on the dashboard.

If possible, could you please let me know when the money will be withdrawn in your case?
For example…

  • The day you signed the contract, then the first day of the month to use
  • The 5th of the next month
  • The 15th of the next month

Every month on the same day you purchased your subscription.


@Jakob Thank you for your reply. Now everything is resolved!

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