Performance Degradation and AI Editing Issues in Cursor IDE

Dear Cursor Team,

I’m a user of Cursor. I really appreciate you for developing this practical IDE. However, I’ve encountered two issues during use and hope to provide feedback for a resolution.

1. IDE Freezing and Crashing as Conversation Rounds Increase

When interacting with the AI in Cursor, the IDE becomes increasingly sluggish as the number of conversation rounds grows. Initially, there was just a slight delay in response, but later the interface would freeze, and it would take a long time to resume. Once the conversation rounds reach a certain quantity, the IDE crashes, causing the loss of unsaved work. I’ve tested this in different projects with the same result. My device is Apple M3 16GB, the operating system is MacOS 15.3.1, the cursor version is 0.46.11. I suspect that the conversation data accumulates in the memory without effective cleaning or optimization. I hope you can optimize the conversation data management mechanism.

2. Abnormal AI Editing for Large Code Files

When using the AI editing feature on code files with more than 500 lines, the speed is extremely slow. After entering an editing instruction, it may take several minutes or even more than ten minutes to get a response. Moreover, the probability of editing failure increases significantly. There are often issues such as the result not meeting expectations, some code not being modified, or an editing failure prompt. I’ve checked the code and found no syntax problems, and the issue persists in different network environments. It’s likely that the AI algorithm has low efficiency when dealing with large amounts of code or there are performance bottlenecks in the interaction. I suggest optimizing the AI editing function.

Thank you for developing such an excellent product. I’m looking forward to a prompt solution to these problems.

Best regards,

old chat

new chat

I have encountered similar issues which I believe were also brought up in this post Heavy lag while using Cursor
I have yet to delete my conversation history as I am not finished with this project yet. It might be helpful to have a config option or obligation to auto-archive (locally) in a compressed format, conversations that contribute to degraded performance.

Fantastic product and love what you guys are doing! Would be a dream to work there someday :wink:

Where is this configuration option, my project is already stuck and I haven’t finished my project :joy: yet

Many are having problems with crashes, I’m 40% through the project and it’s almost impossible to work, lots of delays and sudden closures. I tried to remove the history but in my case, it was left without context, even with a summary of the activities. It was quick but taking a while to fix things.

0.46.11 is not even usable

At least you have retained your sense of humour. kkk. Whenever I see that the IDE is slowing down I tell the agent to compile some notes of where we are in the development and save them in a file that I present back to it post-crash, which I trigger by selecting ‘Close’ when the IDE asks me to ‘wait’, ‘reopen’, or ‘close’. I keep a standard prompt for my context instructions which I tweak as needed for each chat cycle since these are lost too. I have not yet figured out how to configure an auto-archive as suggested elsewhere on this topic. I do get frustrated when the agent goes over what we have long since completed, but that is a function of the instructions I suppose.