I would like to request a way to install version 0.44 of the Cursor software.
Currently, it seems that this version is not available directly from the “Install” button on the top-right corner of the web page. It would be helpful if either:
1. The “Install” button allowed us to select version 0.44, or
2. The attempt update command supported upgrading to this version.
This would greatly streamline the process for users needing this version. Thank you for your support!
Not to be rude but I feel like I’m on an unstable version already. I haven’t used Cursor consistently in over a week due to 0.43.6 feeling broken. It would be nice if, idk, paying users could force an update in their client to try the next unstable version. Not sure about everyone else but most AI products are unstable due to the rapid growth and competitive environment. Locking us out from opting into updating really sucks.
I tried using the “Cursor: Attempt Update” key bind to force update but it doesn’t work unfortunately.