I’m writing as a Cursor Pro subscriber regarding access to version 0.45. While I understand some users have already received the update, many Pro subscribers, including myself, are still waiting for access.
What’s particularly challenging is the lack of clear communication about the rollout timeline. As paying customers who specifically subscribe for access to premium features, we’re eager to understand:
When can Pro subscribers expect to receive version 0.45?
Could you explain the current rollout process?
Are there any temporary solutions available for those who need the new features urgently?
We value Cursor’s services and simply want to make the most of our subscription. Some transparency about the situation would help us better plan our work around the availability of new features.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.
Even with incremental rollouts it would be nice to choose what upgrade path you wanted.
Beta, Release candidate, Early adopters and a let somebody else discover the bugs options.
For my personal projects at home I’d gladly go for Beta and release candidate, but at work I want it stable and without surprises.
Same here - pro user, and I’ve repeatedly been frustrated by this. I only need to do coding every so often, and every single time I go to open cursor and see there is a new version in the change log, I go through this incredibly frustrating process of trying to update, and finding myself still on an old version, with the “Cursor: update” command doing nothing and the singular download link on the website not being for the latest version.
I understand new versions might be buggy, but for crying out loud, let us decide what we want to run! Every piece of software ever has had the concept of a “stable” and “beta” release. Have download links for both and let people decide.
I like cursor a lot, but seriously - this is one of the things that makes me frustrated with it and look up the latest alternative IDE reviews on youtube from time to time to see if I might want to jump ship.
Since fixing this would be completely trivial and require basically zero effort and it’s been an issue people have been frustrated with for quite a long time, I think it would make sense to just put a download link out there for people, surely? “Beta - might be unstable” and let people decide.
danperks : could you please help me on getting the 0.45 update? it’s been a while I’ve been waiting, and the Cursor team didn’t comment on this thread at all; the Customer Support didn’t answer my email neither about this rollout strategy…
Hey unfortunately, we’re rolling out this update gradually to catch critical errors early on, and you’ll receive the update when it’s available to you. But you can try forcing an update, and if it’s already available, it will download it. To do this, open the command palette with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P and type “Attempt update.”
Just to say, we are looking at adding a beta-style program that you can opt into, to get these features early under the increased risk you may find some bugs! No ETA right now tho.