A Proposal to Satisfy Both Early Adopters and Stability-Focused Users in Update Delivery

Many Cursor users seem to be early adopters who are highly enthusiastic about trying out new features and technologies. At the same time, there is a significant group of users who prioritize stability, particularly those using Cursor in production environments or professional settings.

To address the needs of both user groups, I propose the following approach to how updates are delivered:


  1. Continue rolling out stable versions incrementally
    The current method of rolling out stable versions gradually works well for users who prioritize stability. This approach ensures minimal disruption and should be maintained.

  2. Offer a manual update option for early adopters
    For users eager to experience the latest features and improvements, provide a way to manually update to the newest beta versions. For example, include an option in the CLI or settings menu labeled “Use Latest Beta Version.” Clear warnings should be displayed, indicating that this option is for advanced users and may involve risks such as encountering bugs.

Benefits of this approach:

  • Increased satisfaction for early adopters: Users who want to try the latest features immediately will have an option that suits their needs.
  • Reassurance for stability-focused users: Maintaining the current incremental rollout for stable versions ensures that users prioritizing reliability won’t feel pressured to update prematurely.
  • Improved product quality: Wider testing across different environments will provide valuable feedback, ultimately improving the quality of the stable version.


Cursor users have diverse needs and preferences, ranging from cutting-edge experimentation to rock-solid stability. This proposal aims to provide the best possible experience for both groups while ensuring continuous improvement of the product.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this idea!


Nice GPT writeup?
You’re basically asking for old Cursor Nightly to come back

You’re absolutely right!

We are looking at adding a configurable “stream” to opt into, as you’ve described, in the very near future, but no ETA right now!