We need more stable releases for autopushed/"production" releases

Cursor is great when it works.

Every month or two though, cursor team is getting trigger happy and releasing what is, for all intents and purposes, a beta or alpha release as though it is production. I’ve seen bugs all over this board and people asking for rollbacks, etc

I get that its difficult in software development to catch every corner case before a big deployment, but this is clear this is a problem with the way you do releases. If you can’t get a sufficient level of bug testing done before a release, don’t release it to automatically upgrade.

Different people have different tolerances for crashes. Some would prefer something stable at all costs, and some like frontier AI features.

push-auto-upgrade and hotfix later when things break is not an appropriate release strategy here when people rely on your software for work every day.
Now I’m having to go through and dig through the forums to see if an upgrade is safe or not, on the main, stable branch. This is bad UX.


Also I already requested something like this earlier and no responses

It would be good if there were two or three tiers:

  1. Main branch,
  2. Beta branch
  3. Optionally alpha branch

Switching to beta or alpha would prompt for updates quicker or as soon as they are released, and choosing ‘main’/default would either wait some time before updating (slow roll-out) or allow the user to update manually when they are ready.

This would solve both problems:
People like me who want to see the new features as fast as possible won’t need to chase the new versions and manually download them from the website to get them quicker.

And people who want the most stability would not get an update pushed too quickly.

Currently with 0.40 it seemed to have been random, but giving an option to choose would satisfy both crowds.

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Hey, thanks for this feedback! We’re definitely considering switching how we roll out releases.

What major bugs have you encountered with 0.40.0?


Had a pretty awful bug within the first couple hours of using it. Won’t be using composer until this is fixed so will not get to reproducing it, sorry


The chat interface freezes after a few prompts. Is there a way to rollback…

hey - do you mind sharing a video of the chat freezing? would help debug!