Stability Matters: A Call for Reliable Premium App Updates

Hi, I really appreciate all the hard work the Cursor team has put into updating the app. However, I think it’s important to also consider user convenience—especially for premium users. They’ve paid for a premium service, but they sometimes get stuck working on their projects because the app can be unstable.

I suggest launching only the stable version of the app instead of releasing an unstable one, which could disappoint many users. Alternatively, if you’re looking for feedback on the update, you might consider a two-track approach like VS Code does—with an Insider version for testing new features and a main stable version for everyday use. This way, you can update the stable version only once you’re sure everything is working properly, and fewer users will feel the need to revert to the old version.

I also think it’s crucial to remember that premium users expect a smooth, reliable experience compared to free users. I hope you’ll take this into consideration. Thanks!

see A Proposal to Satisfy Both Early Adopters and Stability-Focused Users in Update Delivery - #4 by danperks

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