Recovering Cursor chat history from wiped machine

I just recently accidentally reset my mac, and I had a pretty comprehensive repository that I was developing inside cursor, with help from Cursor composer. Like an idiot, I did not push this repo to GitHub at all so I seemingly lost all of the content. My one shot in the dark would be a way to access my cursor history through some sort of online/cloud based portal, nothing local. Is this possible at all? Is there a way to login to cursor and see previous composer chats even if my local computer has been wiped clean?

Check these guys out - my python script isnt ready yet… but it might solve your need…

Thanks for the nod, @SoMaCoSF

Hi @Dale-Black SpecStory works against your local Cursor instance, so unfortunately if your local machine has been completely wiped I don’t think we can help you.

what python file are you doing

Unfortunately, if you have wiped your machine, all that code is gone. We don’t store a copy of your code on our servers and requests are deleted quickly once they are completed.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!