Resolving type errors after refatoring

I asked Cursor to refactor a Python project, and we had 1200 type errors in the end.

The project is 60 files in size, and I use Sonnet.

I have asked Cursor to fix those errors and use additional tools like Ruff and Black, but progress is super slow as we run in circles. I am not confident Cursor will manage to have coherent code in the end, and frankly, it is getting too expensive, both financially and time-wise.

Has anyone managed a similar situation?

Are you by any chance a novice coder? I am and I’ve got at least three codebases to around 5000 lines and hit a total dead end.

The new cursor rules situation is not great right now - I suspect if you had well defined rules that actually work, you wouldn’t in this place right now.

On tip I do advise to to ask Chat to create a plan in *.MD format that the Composer Agent can systematically update with its progress. Its a slog though.

I definitely am, but now I don’t know how to fix all these, as even with an implementation plan, we are going in circles.