Sharing Cursor IDE Project

My friend and I are collaborating on a coding project and we attempted to use services like LiveShare and CodeTogether to be able to work on the files at the same time. However, LiveShare was not working in the Cursor IDE – it only provided a link for us to work in VS code – and CodeTogether also failed to operate effectively, as it never got past the “authorization” stage.

Does anyone have any tips on how to resolve these issues and find a way to work on the same project together?


I’m experiencing the same thing. It was working fine awhile ago, but seems to have broken within last month or so.

This is fairly important (when I need it) for collaboration. I needed to reinstall vanilla vscode today for something begrudgingly.


Same here, I have had to fallback to using VSCode.

If I use the <> in the bottom left corner and select “Join Collaboration Session” and paste the url, it obviously complains that the url is invalid, since it is specific to VSCode, like so:<GUID>

Does anyone know what a Cursor liveshare url looks like?

Live Share doesn’t work at all on Cursor :frowning:

“command ‘liveshare.start’ not found”

That is because the last version of LiveShare is not working with cursor. Try v5905

Do you know if a fix is upcoming ?

Try this solution: