Should update cursor work for linux?

I am on Pop OS 22.04. Should the update the prompt work? I can click it, and cursor quits, but it does not update or reopen.

From Ubuntu, I’ve never managed to get that to work directly from Cursor, it just serves as a warning to let me know that there’s a new version.

To install/update and configure it I use a modified version from the jorcelinojunior/cursor-setup-wizard github repository.

Anyway, with the latest version they released hours ago, 0.45.7, it seems that something has changed in how they packaged the .AppImage and I can’t get it to work without the --no-sandbox parameter, since otherwise I get SUID / chrome-sandbox errors, maybe it’s something temporary in how they packaged the latest release.

This has some potential security drawbacks since the chromium process will not be sandboxed.

Hey, the sandbox issue is actually a global issue across many Electron apps, and we are still awaiting a viable and stable fix that doesn’t leave you without any security deficits.

You can read more here: [Bug]: The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. · Issue #42510 · electron/electron · GitHub