This is a user install. System-wide install is pretty similar, just different paths.
1. Create a new folder for cursor
mkdir -p ~/Applications/cursor
2. Get the latest version of cursor in that folder
wget -O ~/Applications/cursor/cursor.AppImage ""
3. Make sure AppImage is executable (should already be but still)
chmod +x ~/Applications/cursor/cursor.AppImage
4. Make a symlink to be able to launch cursor from command line
sudo ln -s ~/Applications/cursor/cursor.AppImage /usr/local/bin/cursor
5. Download this image and put it in ~/Applications/cursor/
6. Create a desktop entry to make it accessible in your menus
nano ~/.local/share/applications/cursor.desktop
7. Shift + Insert
this code in the new file, then Ctrl + X
, then Y
, then Enter
Also, change your_username
by your actual username.
[Desktop Entry]
8. Create an update script
nano ~/Applications/cursor/
9. Shift + Insert
this code into the script, then Ctrl + X
, then Y
, then Enter
wget -O $APPDIR/cursor.AppImage $APPIMAGE_URL
chmod +x $APPDIR/cursor.AppImage
10. Make this script executable
chmod +x ~/Applications/cursor/
11. Create a service to update cursor at startup
nano ~/.config/systemd/user/update-cursor.service
12.Shift + Insert
this code into the service, then Ctrl + X
, then Y
, then Enter
Also, change your_username
by your actual username.
Description=Update Cursor
13. Enable and start the service
systemctl --user enable update-cursor.service
systemctl --user start update-cursor.service
That’s all, enjoy Cursor completely now. You won’t have to dabble with AppImages in your Downloads folder as well anymore.
Of course I could have put just files and all, but I guess it’s always funny to learn how to do it no?