Installing cursor on ubuntu 24.04.01 and appimage number 0.44.9

hello guys,

i try to install cursor with this app image version cursor-0.44.9x86_64.AppImage

on ubuntu 24.04.01

but when i install it i only can open it on the command line, without the logo on the desktop as app

and most of the thing don’t work

ideas ???


Official docs are required!

chmod +x /path/to/your/Cursor.AppImage

nano ~/.local/share/applications/Cursor.desktop


chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/Cursor.desktop

@IMUR’s snippet addresses your Cursor app icon issue. You only have to chmod +x a file once.

But on Ubuntu 24.04 I discovered a different fix than what I’ve seen here. Run it for the first time:

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt install libfuse2t64
./<cursor.AppImage> --no-sandbox

This is the only thing that’s worked for me on Ubuntu 24.

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