"Slow" requests wait times and failures

Minor rant… I get that Team Cursor is presumably still working on the pricing model as things continue to grow. But in the meantime ensuring reliability, especially on slow-pool requests, is vital.

I’m paying for 1000 fast req/mo on Pro, which doesn’t make me any money back as it’s not for commercial projects.

At the time of writing, I’m routinely seeing a 320 seconds wait for the message to be processed… followed by “Connection Failed”. Being told you have to wait another 320 seconds for the next roll of the dice is definitely suboptimal.

Related: Claude-3-opus slow requests with 320 second wait 100% always connection failed (This isn’t just for Opus though).


Hi @three

This is unfortunate. I hope the developers will resolve this issue soon.


yeah I’ll bump this. This is insane. One positive thing out of this though is it certainly is motivating me to learn code so I can stop throwing my money away with Cursor.


300+ now

Edit: 350…
Please add servers above >100 :slight_smile:



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Niceee, let’s see who can top position 407. Anyone? Anyone?


Actually, I suppose this might top it actually.

and then

3 times in a row now! :wink:

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Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 3.50.23 PM

Didn’t cursor get like 80 mil in venture funding a few months ago? Where is it going lol


I’ll bump this too. This is insane.

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bumping this up, seems this is a huge issue currently

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sam here too . slow requests became unbearable

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I really agree here! I’m paying per month for Pro, and I lost a whole workday yesterday, because I didn’t even get the slow request through!
I wait and wait, and then it is Cencelled with “Slow pool too large!”. This is not acceptable. Cursor is getting payed for things they do not manage to deliver. They need to fix this ASAP, or me and many others will cancel their subscriptions!

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I’ve noticed a dramatic change in my API request consumption. Previously, 1000 requests would last me nearly a month even with heavy usage. However, after switching to composer in Agent mode, I’m burning through the same 1000 requests in just 5 days.

If others are experiencing similar patterns, it would explain the increased load on the Slow Pool. I’m hesitant to upgrade to a $160/month plan to cover these needs, so I’ve unfortunately exhausted my quota this month. For next month, I’m planning to reduce my agent usage significantly.

Same here! This is not OK for paying Pro-customers.

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Likewise I’ve hit my limit for the month and it hurts. It’s heartbreaking to wait so long and get either of:

  • Slow pool too large
  • Anthropic rate limit hit

Shouldn’t it be possible to show “slow pool too large” when the request is made, rather than delivering it after the long wait?


First of all, I have to say that Cursor is great! It is definitely successful but if it works, it doesn’t work. For example, you wait 5 minutes for a message to be sent and then you get a message that it couldn’t be sent. Then again and again. I’m talking about a very serious waste of time here. Isn’t there a solution for this? I’m currently somewhere between regretting and not regretting buying the 1-year Cursor Pro plan.

It sounds like you’re referring to a bug we are currently seeing with some users where their prompts get stuck ‘generating’. Is this what you are seeing?

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You write something, it takes 5 minutes and then gives an error that the message could not be sent. I deleted and installed the Cursor twice, but it did not work.

Yeah, I think this might be the same issue, sorry about that!
We are actively working on this now, and will hopefully have a fix soon.