Start a beta test and user feedback group

First off, thanks for everything you do with the Cursor IDE. I really love it. It makes programming a lot of fun. I’ve been able to write some really fun apps with Cursor

This last release seemed a bit rough for a lot of people, I didn’t get the update myself but all you need to do is look at the forum. Some of the best start-up advice I ever got from a mentor was that you need to be always talking to your stakeholders and customers and focusing on solving the problems that they think they have rather than the things that you think they need.

I just wanted to offer my support as a potential beta tester. I’m a senior dev who specializes in generative AI applications, I can give valuable feedback. You should consider setting up a group of volunteers to give some beta testing feedback, or feedback on proposed changes before they go to a release, or targeted feedback on our experience with features post-release. For example: Maybe I personally would rather keep my version at 42.5 than have the Composer change to the v43 UX, it would be valuable to have a large enough sample size of people to know if its just the noisy ones on the forum who don’t like a change, or if its a majority opinion.

Would anyone else on here be interested?

We all want to see this software grow into something excellent and I’m sure there’s many others who would be happy to help out. Keep up the good work!


+1, made a very similar suggestion 2 days ago @truell20 :slight_smile:


+1, I’m good for now (:crossed_fingers:) with 0.43.5, and would like to join the “beta group”

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any beta link available?

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+@want beta access…

Hey, we don’t have a public beta available right now, but we appreciate your desire to help us improve Cursor.

Keep an eye on our social platforms as we may announce something around this in the future!