The CTRL + L UI is not accessible with a screen reader

Thanks for reporting a bug you have found in Cursor!
Please add the following info to help us diagnose your issue:

:lady_beetle: Provide a clear description of the bug
When using screen reader tools on Windows such as NVDA and Narrator the way the answer comes back is not accessible via a screen reader.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Explain how to reproduce the bug (if known)

  • Use Narrator on Windows via CTRL + WINKey + ENTER (to start/s stop Narrator). or Install NVDA (a free open source scree reader) and start it – note: NVDA is a better choice here but it is not built into Windows. I am using NVDA to file this bug.
  • have some source code open
  • highlight some code
  • Press CTRL+L
  • Type in " what does this code do ?"
  • Notice that the screen reader does not say much while the system is answering the question
    BUT: the screen reader does not tell you the work is in progress and it does not speak the answer when the system comes back with an answer.
  • once an answer comes back try to use tab or shift tab to get to the answer to read the reply
    BUG: Fails to be able to tab to the answer to read through the response.
  • press the up arrow to try to set focus on the answer that came back
    BUG: the answer that comes back is not accessible when using the up arrow key. The up arrow key skips over the reply.

:camera: Attach screenshots or recordings (e.g., .jpg, .png, .mp4).

:computer: Tell us your operating system and your Cursor version (e.g., Windows, 0.x.x).
Windows 10 latest public build.

I don’t know where to

Cursor version: Not sure how to get that for you, but I downloaded it yesterday.

:no_entry_sign: Tell us if the issue stops you from using Cursor.
Yes this is a blockign issue for me as I rely on a screen reader to do my work. I will likely have to move back to VS Code and CoPilot but I would like to work with your team on how to make this more accessible so that I can use more AI modles.

Hey, unfortunately, screen reader support is not something we have been able to add and test yet! I’m hopefully we’ll be able to add better support for this in the future, but I unfortunately have no timescales on when this might happen!

I appreciate your desire to try out Cursor, and apologise we have not yet been able to accommodate you yet!