Unable to connect to remote host with Remote SSH


I have the latest version of Cursor (Version: 0.45.8) on Max OS 15.2, but for some reason, I am unable to connect to a remote host by clicking the remote connection at the bottom left of the window, then select “Connect to host…”. When I do that, nothing is happening.

I have both “Remote - SSH” and “Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files” extensions installed, and yet, when I try to perform a command like “Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host…” I get errors like:

**Command 'Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host...' resulted in an error**

command 'opensshremotes.cleanRemoteServer' not found

See image below:

Other commands “not found”:


I have uninstalled the extensions and re-installed them, but to not avail.

I was able to use it in previous versions of Cursor, and it still works perfectly in VS Code.

Of course, with the fact I am unable to connect to external servers with Cursor, at the moment, I am using VS Code, but I’d like to be able to use Cursor instead.

Never mind, problem solved by removing all extensions manually with this command:

rm -rf ~/.cursor/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh