Unable to connect to remote host


I have the latest version of Cursor (Version: 0.45.6) on Max OS 15.2, but for some reason, I am unable to connect to a remote host by clicking the remote connection at the bottom left of the window, then select “Connect to host…”. When I do that, nothing is happening.

I have both “Remote - SSH” and “Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files” extensions installed, and yet, when I try to perform a command like “Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host…” I get errors like:

**Command 'Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host...' resulted in an error**

command 'opensshremotes.cleanRemoteServer' not found

See image below:

Any ideas? I was able to use it in previous versions of Cursor.

Any thoughts and help are appreciated!

Hey, try reinstalling the extension, and also check if your configuration is set up correctly.

I tried that, but to no avail. I didn’t touch anything inside the extensions’ settings, they are still there, untouched.

Basically, all commands sent to “opensshremote” look like are not found, like the one I mentioned above and all others:


And so on…

It works perfectly in VS Code but not Cursor.

Never mind, problem solved by quitting Cursor, removing all extensions manually with this command:

rm -rf ~/.cursor/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh

And then re-installing the extensions inside Cursor.