If I describe what I want to do to the cursor, can it write me code?
If I upload the code I generated with ChatGPT / Claude to Cursor, can Cursor see and fix errors?
Hi @commander ,
In response to your questions - yes and yes.
Below is some more detail.
Cursor is a fork of VS Code.
VS Code is a Code Editor by Microsoft:
The company who created Cursor are Anysphere:
Anysphere received some funding from OpenAI, the company behind Chat GPT:
Update - they recently raised some more funds:
Cursor’s official Features page is here:
Cursor’s official Docs are here:
The docs are also on GitHub:
Cursor includes built in AI functionality.
This functionality is accessed in several ways.
When you have a file open in Cursor, you can press one of several different key combinations to access different functionality.
These are:
for in-file code generationCtrl
to open up an AI chat panel in the sidebarCtrl
to create and edit code across multiple files
You can select two different ‘modes’ in Ctrl
+ L
- Normal
- Interpreter
Interpreter mode generates executable Python code that can be run on your local file system.
You can also press Ctrl
+ K
in the terminal within Cursor to generate terminal commands from natural language prompts.
I only found Cursor three weeks ago myself, but have been a fan ever since.
I have created some other posts which try to outline Cursor’s features to newcomers:
Here are some videos about Cursor as well:
ALL ROADS LEAD to AI CODING: Cursor, Aider in the browser, Multi file Prompting
(20 mins, IndyDevDan)
Cursor - an AI-powered VSCode fork
(12 mins, Jeffrey Codes)
Cursor IDE deep dive and why it is the best tool for coding
(26 mins, echohive)
Cursor - The AI-first Code Editor
(8 mins, AI Tube)
How to use Interpreter Mode and Terminal Commands in Cursor
(5 mins, echohive)
I am away from the computer at the moment, but hopefully this explanation and these posts and videos will give you a good idea of what Cursor is capable of.