My 500 fast requests is waiting to refill, but I am not sure when that happens.
I have a yearly subscription that starts on July 16th. I assumed my fast requests would refill on the 16th of each month, but so far today January 16th that hasn’t happened.
Could you give me some more information on when that will refill and what the timing is on that each month?
The current system using a rolling 30-day window for the 500 fast request quota is problematic. Here’s why:
If slow requests are counted against the quota, we might never get to use our promised 500 fast requests
With a rolling 30-day window, we could get stuck in perpetual slow mode once we exceed the limit
A better solution would be to:
Reset the 500 fast request quota at the start of each billing period
Only count fast requests against this quota (not slow requests)
Allow unlimited slow requests without affecting the fast request counter
This would ensure we actually get what we paid for - 500 fast requests per billing cycle. The current rolling window calculation seems unfair to paying users as it might prevent us from fully utilizing our promised quota.
That’s right, it’s quite unfair this way. Moreover, we don’t have visibility into the usage of each model per day, making it hard to know how much and when they were actually used.
@anon-9002714, you need to provide more transparency to us users regarding the usage window.
Hey all, slow requests do not count against your quota, and Cursor will automatically use slow requests once your fast request allowance has been used up.
Your fast requests should reset shortly after your billing date (given time for our system to process your renewal), but any issues with this can be reported to, as the team can check up on your usage specific to your account!
Feel free to drop any questions regarding use to me here though!
Thank you @danperks, but how does it work for users like myself that payed the 192 USD yearly? does the 500 quota still refresh every month on the date of the card transaction?
But my renewal will happen in 8 months that’s why I was asking when I should expect a reset if the first time I payed the annual sub on Sep 25 2024… you know?