When using @ Symbols, in the chat, the hovered item takes precedence over the keyboard input

Description: When using the cursor app, I noticed inconsistent behavior regarding keyboard input and mouse interaction in different menus.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the desktop app.
  2. Navigate to Go to File with Command + P.
  3. Hover the mouse cursor over an item in the list and close the menu
  4. Press Command + P to initiate the same flow.
  5. Enter keystrokes(a file name) and oberve the behavior.
  6. Do the same thing for the chat with Command + L and hover on something.
  7. Close the menu and type Diff and try selecting @Diff of Working State + <Enter>
  8. Observe the difference

2024-04-25 08.47.28

Expected Behavior:

  • When using Command + P, the keyboard input should take precedence over the mouse cursor, even if the cursor is hovering over an item in the list. The item under the cursor should not be selected until explicitly clicked.

Actual Behavior:

  • In the specified menu or area, the mouse cursor’s position takes precedence over keyboard input. If the mouse cursor is hovering over an item in the list, that item is selected instead of the one matching the keystrokes entered after pressing Command + L.

Additional Notes:

  • This behavior is inconsistent with other parts of the application, where keyboard input correctly takes precedence over mouse interaction.
  • The issue persists even after restarting the application.
  • This behavior makes it difficult to efficiently use @ symbols in the chat menu
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