When writing a query, nothing happens

The problem is that I was doing a project in cursor, I got the lights turned off and now when I send the requests I need, nothing happens.

Figured out what the problem was by scouring the forum. If you sent screenshots that are no longer on your computer, you need to go through the whole dialog and delete them.

Are you saying when you hit ‘enter’ or ‘chat’ in the chat prompt once you have typed something, that is just stays stagnant and nothing happens/activates? I have been having this issue. Is the problem screenshots/images added into the chat you are TRYING to send? Or have you found that if you added a screenshot to the first message you sent in a chat, and then 5 chats later you delete said screenshot and then try to submit a new message in the chat-- and it fails?

Sorry for so many questions. Trying to figure out if this is the issue I am having. i have very extensive chats which will often eventually “break” in sense of the ‘enter’/‘chat’/‘submit’ button just quits working. i have been creating new chats and restarting many projects due to this; however, if I can replicate the solution you found successfully, it would save me lots of time!


same here.

Hi. Yes, I hit enter and nothing comes up, even changing the ai etc, it helped me to go through the whole chat and find an image or screenshots that are no longer there (or just remove all the image that sent off the ai). That’s it

This solution (removing images) has worked in 2/2 instances in which this issue has occurred for me since this thread-- thank you so much!

Of course you do!

Another gigantic issue with Cursor… you literally can’t attach screenshots from apple simulator and probably any other app that doesn’t store a physical file on your computer. Guys… just test your code and check if the image your system is looking for exists and the LLM has access to it… if it doesn’t, give a decent error message (or any error message at all would be fabulous).