I have a bug with the latest Cursor update (0.45.4). Looks like working with context changed (now it is not trying to put together the most relevant context based on the current prompt vs codebase for each prompt, I guess?) and now, when I don’t have opened files, even when I chat with Codebase and even mention @Codebase - it gives me a weird answer that is not even related to my codebase (my codebase is pure Python, and it gives me an answer like I have NodeJS). When I have opened at least one file, then it gives me answers about my whole codebase, like it is aware of all files. But will it make it focus more toward that specific opened file? I mean, what if I don’t want to focus on a specific file, but instead, get answers about the entire codebase? With the previous version, I didn’t have that issue; even when I had no opened files, I still got answers about my codebase.
The bug is still present after the 0.45.5 update; I just tested it.
And yes, I can confirm after testing that at least it looks like it is focused more on that specific file with some awareness of other files. But how I can ask question when I’m not sure to which files the question even relates? This is the whole point of “Chat with Codebase”. And now, I can’t do that. Definitely downgrade for that use-case.
Hey, do you have an example you can send with screenshots, that show this context issue?
We are aware of a bug that stops files you @ from being shown to the LLM in long Composer sessions, but it doesn’t sound like this is the issue you are facing.